Associate Director, Bioscience COPD/IPF at AstraZeneca
图像来源:Arch Pathol Lab Med.2012;136(6):591–600. Image courtesy of Richard Webb, MD.
一些IPF患者进展迅速,而其他患者则更慢,但是预测患者将如何进展非常具有挑战性,并且这些患者之间发现的遗传差异实际上非常有限。此外,某些患者似乎更容易受到疾病加剧的影响,因为患者经常迅速失去其肺功能的很大一部分 - 可悲的是,即使一两次恶化也可能致命。3
The current therapies used to treat IPF slow the disease, but don’t halt its progression, and certainly don’t reverse the lung scarring or cure the disease. We are trying to target several different cellular mechanisms that we believe may be pivotal in IPF progression including:
- Inhibiting fibroblast activation
- 调节细胞衰老(衰老)对纤维化的有害作用
- Regenerative biology, where we’re trying to restore epithelial cell function in the lungs.
One thing that we are sure of is that the biology of IPF is broad, affecting multiple pathways and a range of different cell types. We have an array of potential targets in our pipeline and although we hope our late-stage assets will be successful, we are also trying to identify further novel disease pathways to target.
No one has really nailed down exactly which genes are the most instrumental in IPF, but our knowledge continues to grow as more genome-wide genetic association studies confirm new disease targets. Recently, findings were published from the largest IPF whole exome sequencing study which confirmed that a novel gene known asKIF15is associated with IPF.4,5The results, which were published in the美国呼吸道医学杂志,showed that variations in theKIF15gene lead to decreased protein expression and reduced cell proliferation, increasing susceptibility to IPF.5
我坚信,在协作中完成科学发现更有效。我们与广泛的不同群体合作,以进步IPF疾病的理解和提高治疗。我们通过学术和行业的伙伴关系积极寻求专业知识和见解,并确保我们始终保持患者的头脑。我们通过与医院和实验室的医生以及作为患有这种疾病的专家的IPF患者紧密合作来实现这一目标 - 他们的生物学和遗传学将帮助我们进步科学理解并最终为他们的利益而发现未来的目标药物。
A particularly excitingcollaboration is between AstraZeneca and BenevolentAI我们使用人工智能来创建“生存”疾病的地图Knowledge Graphs.They enable us to analyse vast amounts of scientific data and literature to see potential interactions between gene targets, expression and disease. We can find previously unexplored patterns of disease and are able to draw better and faster conclusions across a range of complex diseases.
Watch this video to find out how Knowledge Graphs are helping researchers to identify interactions within chronic diseases:
我们第一次揭示了200多个潜在基因靶标的IPF的知识图。一旦与Benevolentai合作,并使用CRISPR筛选和定制目标验证(例如基于单元格)in vitro测定,我们将其减少到不到10个目标,帮助我们将精力集中在可能具有最大潜力的基因靶标上。知识图正在加速我们如何进行科学,使我们的药物发现效率更高,并帮助我们更快地为患者获得新颖菠菜最稳定的平台的有针对性治疗。由于我们与Benevolentai的合作,我们确定了一个新型IPF的基因目标,该目标现已被选为我们的投资组合,并将继续由全球科学家探索。
除了了解IPF的遗传联系外,我们还将重点放在IPF的生物学上,作为我们早期研发的一部分。我们的博士学位和博士后研究人员正在与学术界合作,以更好地了解涉及多种细胞类型的复杂细胞机制及其在IPF中的作用。他们利用多细胞3D体外assays such as precision cut lung slices and iPSC-derived alveolospheres, as well as exploring the role of extracellular vesicles (which deliver proteins, metabolites and nucleic acids to recipient cells) in IPF.
IPF is a challenging and multifactorial disease – there’s still so much that we don’t fully comprehend. I’m optimistic that over the next decade the research being undertaken by our scientists and others across academia and the pharmaceutical industry will improve our understanding of the genes involved in IPF and how they influence disease progression. There are a huge number of potential targets under investigation which provides hope that we will find effective treatments that can address the underlying cause of the disease, improving outcomes and changing the future for patients living with this devastating disease.