
Monday, 7 March 2011

AstraZeneca will discontinue the production of PULMICORT®(Budesonide)由于与设备的技术方面相关的复杂制造问题,100和200 µg/剂量HFA PMDI(加压剂量吸入器加压剂量吸入器)阻止了产品的持续制造。此问题与活性成分,布德斯奈德或任何其他阿斯利康产品无关。欧洲杯微信买球

The manufacturing decision will take effect immediately; however, patients can continue using the PULMICORT pMDI 100 and 200 µg strength until their current supply is finished.

“We have exhausted all potential solutions in our efforts to continue supplying this medicine. The time required to fully resolve the technical issues is highly uncertain. We believe it is our responsibility to communicate our decision swiftly, as it is in the patient’s best interest to find an alternative medication as soon as possible,” said David Smith, Executive Vice President, Global Operations and IS, AstraZeneca.

PULMICORT PMDI是使用特定于产品的过程和组件制造的,其组合不与任何其他Astrazeneca呼吸产物一起使用;欧洲杯微信买球因此,这是PULMICORT PMDI的独特问题。

AstraZeneca is working closely with the appropriate regulatory authorities, healthcare professionals (HCPs), and informing manufacturers of similar asthma medications, where appropriate, to ensure all patients continue to receive the appropriate alternative treatment. Patients currently taking PULMICORT pMDI should contact their physicians about alternative treatments. Healthcare professionals should review their patients’ needs and prescribe a suitable alternative medication.

PULMICORT pMDI is only approved in certain countries. Additional announcements from AstraZeneca will follow in countries where PULMICORT pMDI is approved in order to provide further guidance to patients and physicians.

Other AstraZeneca respiratory products, including PULMICORT®Turbuhaler®, PULMICORT®灌溉®and PULMICORT®Flexhaler®不受影响,因为它们使用了不同的设备或设备组件,并且应根据批准的处方信息在出售的地方继续使用。其他阿斯利康欧洲杯微信买球PMDI产品(例如Symbicort)®Budesonide/Formoterol富马酸二水合物)PMDI和Vannair©(budesonide/formoterol) are also not affected.




PULMICORT (budesonide) is an inhaled anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroid for initiation and maintenance treatment of bronchial asthma in infants, children and adults (minimum age for recommended use in children/ infants varies according to approved prescribing information).

PULMICORT is available in a range of formulations: PULMICORT Turbuhaler (dry powder inhaler), PULMICORT pMDI (pressurised metered dose inhaler, CFC free), and PULMICORT Respules (suspension for nebulisation). Trade names and availability of formulations may differ between countries.


欧洲杯微信买球阿斯利康(Astrazeneca)是一家全球创新驱动的生物制药业务,主要关注胃肠道,心血管,神经科学,呼吸和炎症,肿瘤学和感染性疾病的处方药的发现,开发和商业化。欧洲杯微信买球阿斯利康在100多个国家 /地区运作,其创新药物被全球数百万患者使用。有关更多信息,请访问:www.vivelima.com



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