欧洲杯微信买球阿斯利康公司今天宣布,法官约瑟夫法南,小,美国联邦地区法院,特拉华区,已发现该物质专利保护CRESTOR(RE37,314 - 在“314专利)是有效和可执行。在判决中,法院发现没有不公平行为被任何盐野义制药员工承诺。法院还举行了“314专利非显而易见性和适当补发。
从2007年开始,九个仿制药生产商提交的ANDA与非侵权,无效,或不可执行的第IV认证以及对于CRESTOR专利。AstraZeneca and Shionogi (the owner of the ‘314 patent) filed patent infringement suits against eight manufacturers (various parent or subsidiary entities of Apotex, Aurobindo, Cobalt, Mylan, Par, Sandoz, Sun and Teva) who had challenged the ‘314 substance patent. The ‘314 patent, which expires in 2016, covers rosuvastatin calcium, the active ingredient in CRESTOR. These suits were consolidated by order of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation and tried in the US District Court, District of Delaware. Trial commenced on 22 February 2010 before Judge Farnan and ended on 3 March 2010.